Some may say that as time slips by, whether you like it or not, friends will come and go. And I often wonder why would they let their friends go just because they are not classmates or officemates or neighbors anymore. Sad to say, it really does happen and it's all because of our choices. Growing older usually means changing priorities, preferences and even lifestyle. And with this new life comes new people that will eventually turn out as new friends.
But luckily for many of us, while we gain new friends, we also choose to keep our good old ones. This is probably because we believe that friendships don't require daily conversations and meet ups-----BECAUSE REAL FRIENDSHIPS DON'T HAVE REQUIREMENTS AT ALL. No matter how seldom you see each other and talk with each other, it will always be your choice to preserve that longtime connection.

So to all my good old friends, thank you so much for choosing to stick with me.
'Til our next reunion! :)
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