Monday, June 18, 2012

Friends For Keeps

For almost half a year, I wasn't able to see Lelel, my dear friend and bridesmaid-to-be. And because SHE MISSED US SO MUCH (hahaha! Okay, I'll admit it now...Owen and I missed her more!), finally, we had our long overdue Saturdate.

Aside from the good times we had, I wanna share my random thoughts about friends. I can say that one of the greatest challenges of friendship is distance. Despite of conflicting schedules and busy lives, you must maintain the connection from both sides. Communication, whether it's via phone, email, social networking sites or what have you, means A LOT. Don't get me wrong. I'm not pertaining to your thousands of friends on Facebook or your millions of followers on Twitter. Quality wins over Quantity in most aspects of my life. This is probably among the top on the list of clichés but I'll still say it 'cos it continues to be true: REAL FRIENDS ARE HARD TO FIND. They are those who, whether they are excited, disappointed, mad, happy, sad, in-love, brokenhearted and all the emotions (and situations) you may think of, will remain your friends. No matter how long you haven't seen each other, real friends are the ones who'll keep your friendship for no reasons, no conditions and no expectations. So, if we'll talk about real friends, I don't have much...but I have enough and I got the best ones.

Lunch @ TGIFriday's

Desserts @ Parvati

"Thanks girls! I'm looking forward to more of this (and hopefully, with the complete cast). I had always. Till our next lafang, kulitan and hagikgikan session!"     
Thanks for visiting my site. I'd love to hear from you.


  1. aaawwww...very touching bei! labyu!!! tama ka, next time the cast should be complete! :)



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